The coworking industry has a specific set of requirements to convert leads with offers like free trial days and site tours. This process involves repetitive tasks like data capture and meeting booking and really benefits from automation and fully connected systems.
Understanding the value of the lead let's you dedicate the right amount of sales resource. High growth businesses love the flexibility with coworking spaces, if they require a lot of desk spaces, assign them your best sales person. For lower value leads like coworking, we can use more automation. Once the lead has visited we make sure the sales team follow up and everyone has visibility.
Optimising your marketing campaigns for the higher value leads is key for effective spend. Connecting sales and marketing to work together is vital for coworking spaces. Running events and programmes to attract potential leads into your building is a valuable channel and having your data connected together is critical.
If you work with Bright Dials you’re in very capable, knowledgeable hands, no task is too big or too small.
Our project had a lot of interdependencies which made this very complicated. Bright Dials made sure the project was well scoped and managed, making the project work smoothly.
Our CRM systems have hugely improved since 2022; something we could not do ourselves.
It’s been great working with Bright Dials.
We have an ongoing relationship to grow and improve our processes and marketing, having a retainer is right for this.
The start to finish guide... everything you need to know when you're thinking about upgrading your CRM system
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