CRM Blog | Bright Dials

Tired of Listening to your Team Moaning? | Bright Dials

Written by Lindsey Pickles | Nov 27, 2020 9:25:55 AM

Does your team moan about your CRM?

“It’s not working properly!” “Why isn’t this data connected?” “I can’t figure out how to do this!” “Janet hasn’t filled in the information about this lead and she’s on furlough, grrrr!”

If so, you’re not alone.

We hear this sort of thing a lot when we’re onboarding new clients. Often, they feel frustrated with their current platform because isn’t set up properly. Another common issue surrounds people neglecting to use the platform because they haven’t received the appropriate training. Or perhaps the data sources haven’t been configured properly, meaning the information isn’t live or up to date? The list goes on…So what could this mean? Having the wrong CRM or a lack of knowledge surrounding how to use it makes life difficult for your team. They will be less likely to use the platform, which means loss of data and a lack of clarity on what’s happening with your business. 

It could mean emails not being sent properly. It may be impacting team morale and productivity levels. It could even result in you missing out on important business deals. 

One thing we love about working with our clients is the sense of relief when they realise they can hand over all these problems. They know that Bright Dials will take care of it for them. 

If this sounds all too familiar and you want to remove a nagging weight off your mind, email or book in for a free Discovery call. All we need is 45 minutes of your time.

In the meantime, why not download our How to Choose a CRM guide above to understand all the areas you need to consider. 

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Don’t know where to start with choosing a CRM? Choosing the right CRM or marketing automation platform gives you better sales conversion and saves time and money.